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Manuals, Monographs & Guides

As part of its educational mission, the Center produces monographs on substantive legal subjects and a variety of manuals and guides for judges and court staff. Topics covered include discrete areas of law, courtroom and case-management procedures, the Federal Rules, and different types of litigation. These publications are authored by Center staff and outside subject-matter experts. See also Reports & Studies.

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Title Datesort descending
Ten Steps to Better Case Management: A Guide for Multidistrict Litigation Transferee Court Clerks, Second Edition
This guide is intended to help transferee clerks of court successfully manage multidistrict litigation (MDL). It contains recommendations from the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation and suggestions for implementing CM/ECF to improve MDL case management.
January 1, 2014
Ten Steps to Better Case Management: A Guide for Multidistrict Litigation Transferee Judges, Second Edition
This guide is intended to help transferee judges with their MDL cases. Section 1407 empowers a transferee judge to exercise all the powers of the transferor court, with the exception of actually conducting the trial of the case (except in special circumstances). The purpose of this guide is to introduce briefly some of the “best practices” that transferee judges have developed over the years, focusing on core responsibilities.
January 1, 2014
Deskbook for Chief Judges of U.S. District Courts, Fourth Edition

A detailed reference for chief judges of federal district courts. The Deskbook describes the position of chief judges within the system of federal judicial administration as well as their specific roles and responsibilities with respect to national and regional bodies of judicial administration; other judges, officers, and employees of the district court; various functions of the court; case management; and external groups such as the bar, media, and public.

January 1, 2014
International Extradition: A Guide for Judges

This guide provides a brief overview of extradition law, focusing primarily on the extradition of fugitives from the United States. It describes the grounds for extradition, extradition proceedings, legal issues that may emerge, and related case management considerations.

March 31, 2014
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties and Letters Rogatory: A Guide for Judges [SUPERSEDED]

This publication has been superseded by Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties and Letters Rogatory: Obtaining Evidence and Assistance from Foreign Jurisdictions.

May 1, 2014
Managing the Chapter 15 Cross-Border Insolvency Case: A Pocket Guide for Judges, Second Edition

Increasing globalization and cross-border interdependence of business enterprises increase the likelihood that bankruptcy judges will see the occasional chapter 15 case filed in their jurisdiction. In this concise guide, Judge Louise DeCarl Adler (Bankr. S.D. Cal.) gives judges who may be unfamiliar with chapter 15 cases a quick understanding of the case-management issues that may arise and offers possible solutions.

June 5, 2014
Motor Voter: The National Voter Registration Act

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was enacted in 1993 to promote voter registration and registration accuracy. The statute requires states to establish procedures for voter registration (1) upon obtaining a driver’s license; (2) by mail; (3) at government offices, including those providing public assistance or disability services; and (4) at military recruitment offices. This monograph surveys federal court interpretations of the statute.

August 20, 2014
Section 1983 Litigation, Third Edition

Section 1983 Litigation (Third Edition) analyzes the large number of recurring issues that arise in litigation under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This monograph contains new sections on discovery, Bivens claims, new material on stops and searches, and model jury instructions. It includes case law from the October 2013 Supreme Court term ending June 30, 2014, and major courts of appeals and select district court decisions reported through June 30, 2014.

October 8, 2014
Consumer Bankruptcy Law: Chapters 7 & 13

Consumer Bankruptcy Law: Chapters 7 & 13 describes the statutory framework for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code and analyzes the fundamental issues that arise in bankruptcy litigation. The monograph explains how bankruptcy cases proceed, including filing, debtor duties, automatic stay, damages, the estate, exemptions, and claims. It also examines circuit splits, as well as unsettled issues as a result of BAPCPA.

December 31, 2014
Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Managing Fee Litigation, Third Edition

Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Managing Fee Litigation (Third Edition) analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its progeny, and the substantial benefit doctrine.

August 31, 2015
