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National Security Cases

Selected Orders and Other Case Documents

These resources supplement the research presented in National Security Case Studies: Special Case-Management Challenges (7th ed. 2022). Some documents were filed before filings became widely available on the courts’ electronic filing system, and some documents were filed after preparation of the seventh edition of the case studies.

In addition, District Judge Anthony John Trenga, Eastern District of Virginia, published a very useful report on interviews with judges who have had experience presiding over national security cases: What Judges Say and Do in Deciding National Security Cases: The Example of the State Secrets Privilege, 9 Harv. Nat’l Sec. J. 1 (2018).

No-Fly List
(Michael W. Mosman, D. Or.; Ronnie Abrams, S.D.N.Y.; Michael S. Nachmanoff, E.D. Va.; Brantley Starr, N.D. Tex.; and Emmet G. Suillivan, D.D.C.)
Fikre v. FBI (D. Or. 3:13-cv-899)
Supreme Court Denial of Mootness
Tanvir v. Tanzin (S.D.N.Y. 1:13-cv-6951)
Dismissal on Qualified Immunity
Long v. Garland (E.D. Va. 1:15-cv-1642)
Dismissal for Lack of Standing
Kovac v. Wray (N.D. Tex. 3:18-cv-110)
Summary Judgment for the Government
Affirming Summary Judgment for the Government
Maniar v. Wolf (D.D.C. 1:19-cv-3826)
Dismissal Without Prejudice for an Amended Complaint

Triangle Takedown
(Louise W. Flanagan, E.D.N.C.)
United States v. Boyd (E.D.N.C. 5:09-cr-216)
Classified Information Protective Order
Opinion Affirming Modified Sentence

Fort Dix
(Robert B. Kugler, D.N.J.)
United States v. Shnewer (D.N.J. 1:07-cr-459)
FISA Evidence Order
Decorum Order
Jury Questionnaire

Sears Tower
(Joan A. Lenard, S.D. Fla.)
United States v. Batiste (S.D. Fla. 1:06-cr-20373)
Voir Dire Questions

(William S. Duffey, Jr., N.D. Ga.)
United States v. Ahmed (N.D. Ga. 1:06-cr-147)
Sadequee Jury Questionnaire

(James G. Carr, N.D. Ohio)
United States v. Amawi (N.D. Ohio 3:06-cr-719)
Trainer Protective Order
Count Severance Order
Jury Questionnaire
Preliminary Jury Instructions
Stipulated Definitions
Final Jury Instructions
Supplemental Jury Instruction

Warrantless Wiretaps
(Vaughn R. Walker, N.D. Cal.; Thomas F. Hogan, D.D.C.; Lyle E. Strom, D. Neb.; and Janet Bond Arterton, D. Conn.)
Hepting v. AT&T (N.D. Cal. 3:06-cv-672)
Classified Argument Review Order
Stay Order
In re NSA Telecommunication Records Litigation (N.D. Cal. 3:06-md-1791)
Procedure Order
Denial of Motion to Unseal
Denial of Summary Judgment in State Cases
Preservation Order
Order to Show Cause re Liability
Briefing Order
Dismissal Order
Jewel v. NSA (N.D. Cal. 4:08-cv-4373)
Dismissal Order
Electronic Frontier Foundation v. Department of Justice (D.D.C. 1:07-cv-403)
Denial of Reconsideration
United States v. Palermino (D. Conn. 3:06-cv-1405)
Intervention Order
Tyler v. AT&T (D. Neb. 8:06-cv-523)
Dismissal Opinion
Order Concerning Appeal

(Garland E. Burrell, Jr., E.D. Cal.)
United States v. Hayat (E.D. Cal. 2:05-cr-240)
Scheduling Order
Dual Jury Order
Exhibit 1 Stipulation and Order
Exhibit 2 Stipulation and Order
Exhibit 3 Stipulation and Order
Exhibit 4 Stipulation and Order
In Camera Ex Parte Protective Order
Denial of New Trial

Giving State Secrets to Lobbyists
(T.S. Ellis III, E.D. Va.)
Too Secret? Rethinking Government Classification, The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU radio broadcast Aug. 15, 2011)

(Amy J. St. Eve, N.D. Ill.)
United States v. Abu Marzook (N.D. Ill. 1:03-cr-978)
Opinion Denying Confession Suppression

Prosecution of a Charity
(A. Joe Fish and Jorge A. Solis, N.D. Tex.)
United States v. Holy Land Foundation (N.D. Tex. 3:04-cr-240)
Judge Fish Jury Questionnaire
Jury Instructions: First Trial
Judge Solis Jury Questionnaire
Jury Instructions: Retrial
Forfeiture Jury Instructions

Ashland and Moscow
(Michael R. Hogan, D. Or.)
United States v. Sedaghaty (D. Or. 6:05-cr-60008)
MLAT and Letter Rogatory Opinion
Saudi Arabian Bank Subpoena Opinion
Protective Order
Letter Rogatory

Mistaken Rendition
(T.S. Ellis III, E.D. Va.)
CIA Inspector General, The Rendition and Detention of German Citizen Khalid Al-Masri (July 16, 2007) (redacted)
El-Masri v. Tenet (E.D. Va. 1:05-cv-1417)
Judgment by European Court of Human Rights

(John R. Tunheim, D. Minn.)
United States v. Warsame (D. Minn. 0:04-cr-29)
Protective Order
Substitution Protective Order 1
Substitution Protective Order 2
Substitution Protective Order 3

(Leonie M. Brinkema and James C. Cacheris, E.D. Va.)
United States v. Royer (E.D. Va. 1:03-cr-296)
Khan Habeas Relief
United States v. Al-Timimi (E.D. Va. 1:04-cr-385)
Jury Questionnaire
United States v. Benkahla (E.D. Va. 1:06-cr-9)
Denial of Motion to Dismiss
Voir Dire Questions
Partial Grant of Acquittal
Denial of Habeas Petition

A Plot to Kill President Bush
(Gerald Bruce Lee, E.D. Va.)
Joanna Baltes, Karen J. Greenberg, Gerald Bruce Lee, Robert Timothy Reagan & Stephen I. Vladeck, Convicted Terrorists: Sentencing Considerations and Their Policy Implications, 8 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y 347 (2016)
United States v. Abu Ali (E.D. Va. 1:05-cr-53)
Protective Order
Preliminary Venire Instructions
Jury Questionnaire
Sentencing Order

(William M. Skretny and H. Kenneth Schroeder, Jr., W.D.N.Y.)
United States v. Goba (W.D.N.Y. 1:02-cr-214)
Sentence Reduction Order

Dirty Bomber
(Marcia G. Cooke, S.D. Fla.)
United States v. Hassoun (S.D. Fla. 0:04-cr-60001)
Order on FISA Evidence

Guantánamo Bay
(Various Judges, D.D.C.)
Military Commission Case Records (website)

September 11 Damages
(Alvin K. Hellerstein, George B. Daniels, and Sarah Netburn, S.D.N.Y.)
Alvin K. Hellerstein, James A. Henderson, Jr. & Aaron D. Twerski, The 9/11 Litigation Database: A Recipe for Judicial Management, 90 Wash. Univ. L. Rev. 653 (2013); Alvin K. Hellerstein, James A. Henderson, Jr. & Aaron D. Twerski, Managerial Judging: The 9/11 Responders’ Tort Litigation, 98 Cornell L. Rev. 127 (2012); Too Secret? Rethinking Government Classification, The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU radio broadcast Aug. 15, 2011)
Mariani v. United Air Lines (S.D.N.Y. 1:01-cv-11628)
Consolidation Order 1
Mulligan v. Port Authority (S.D.N.Y. 1-02-cv-6885)
Suspense Order 1
In re September 11 Litigation (S.D.N.Y. 1:21-mc-97)
Consolidation Order 2
Suspense Order 2
Suspense Order 4
Order Resolving Suspense Docket 1
Deposition Protocol Order
Order Concerning Settlement 1
Order Concerning Settlement 2
Opinion on Severing Damages and Liability
In re World Trade Center Disaster Site Litigation (S.D.N.Y. 1:21-mc-100)
Consolidation Order 3
Consolidation Order 5
Suspense Order 3
Order Resolving Suspense Docket 2
Order Resolving Suspense Docket 3
In re September 11 Property Damage and Business Loss Litigation
(S.D.N.Y. 1:21-mc-101)
Consolidation Order 4
In re Combined World Trade Center and Lower Manhattan Disaster Site Litigation
(S.D.N.Y. 1-21-mc-103)
Case Management Order 1
In re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001 (S.D.N.Y. 1:03-md-1570)
Report and Recommendation on Afghanistan’s Central Bank’s Assets
Opinion on Afghanistan’s Central Bank’s Assets

Twentieth Hijacker
(Leonie M. Brinkema, E.D. Va.)
A Judge’s Perspective on Terrorism Cases (Hon. Leonie M. Brinkema, E.D. Va., Workshop for Judges of the Fourth Circuit, March 19-21, 2007, Charleston, S.C.)
United States v. Moussaoui (E.D. Va. 1:01-cr-455)
Superseding Indictment
Second Superseding Indictment
Complex Case Order
Protective Order
Memorandum of Understanding
Death Penalty Notice
Mental Health Evaluation Order
Motion to Proceed Pro Se
Pro Se Order
Order Denying No-Contest Plea
Pro Se Classified Information Access Order
Pro Se Filings Sealing Order 1
Pro Se Filings Letter
Pro Se Filings Unsealing Order
Classified Document Retrieval Unsealing Order
Pro Se Filings Sealing Order 2
Order Rescheduling Trial
Classified Filing Order
Videotape Production Order
Bin al-Shibh Deposition Order
Bin al-Shibh Deposition Opinion
Order Vacating Trial Date
Bin al-Shibh Substitution Denial
Mohammed and al-Hawsawi Deposition Opinion
Order Vacating Pro Se Status
Plea Statement
Trial Conduct Order 1: Anonymous Jury Selection
Jury Questionnaire
Trial Conduct Order 2: Closed-Circuit Video Links
Trial Conduct Order 3: Security
Preliminary Venire Instructions
First Aviation Witness Order
Second Aviation Witness Order
Phase One Verdict Form
Jury Instructions for Penalty Phase Part Two
Phase Two Verdict Form
Motion to Withdraw Plea
Order Denying Plea Withdrawal
Post-Trial Letter to Anonymous Jurors

(Gerald E. Rosen and Bernard A. Friedman, E.D. Mich.)
United States v. Koubriti (E.D. Mich. 2:01-cr-80778)
Preliminary Voir Dire
Jury Questionnaire
Koubriti v. Rojo (E.D. Mich. 2:05-cv-74343)
Summary Judgment Opinion 1
Summary Judgment Opinion 2

Millennium Bomber
(John F. Keenan, S.D.N.Y.)
United States v. Haouari (S.D.N.Y. 1:00-cr-15)
Opinion Revoking Supervised Release

Kenya and Tanzania
(Leonard B. Sand, Kevin Thomas Duffy, and Lewis A. Kaplan, S.D.N.Y.)
Guide to High Security & Terrorism Cases in the Southern District of New York (Philip J. Gross, 2006 Milton Pollack Fellow)
United States v. El Hage (S.D.N.Y. 1:98-cr-1023)
Protective Order
Jury Questionnaire
Opinion Denying al-'Owhali Post-Trial Relief
United States v. Ghailani (S.D.N.Y. 1:98-cr-1023-9)
CIPA Electronic Filing Order
Strip SearchOrder
Preliminary Remarks to Venire
Jury Questionnaire

(Harold H. Greene and Royce C. Lamberth, D.D.C.)
Too Secret? Rethinking Government Classification, The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU radio broadcast Aug. 15, 2011)
Horn v. Huddle (D.D.C. 1:94-cv-1756)
Opinion Denying Motion to Dismiss
Opinion Sustaining State Secrets Privilege
Opinion Dismissing Case on State Secrets Grounds
Opinion Granting Plaintiff Relief from Judgment
Opinion Concerning Sanctions

First World Trade Center Bombing
(Kevin Thomas Duffy and Michael B. Mukasey, S.D.N.Y., and R. Brooke Jackson, D. Colo.)
Guide to High Security & Terrorism Cases in the Southern District of New York (Philip J. Gross, 2006 Milton Pollack Fellow)
United States v. Abdel Rahman (S.D.N.Y. 1:93-cr-181)
Preliminary Voir Dire
Jury Questionnaire
Preliminary Charge
Jury Instructions
Ajaj v. Fed. Bureau of Prisons (D. Colo. 1:15-cv-992)
Partial Dismissal
Denial of Qualified Immunity