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Jurisdictional Issues

Displaying 11 - 20 of 61, sorted by most recent
Format: 2024
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James D. Garbolino
November 16, 2022

Age of Child | Attorney Fees and Costs

In this case, the Seventh Circuit addressed the loss of jurisdiction when a child turns sixteen years of age and whether sanctions were warranted for a frivolous appeal.


James D. Garbolino
November 16, 2022

Younger Abstention | Exceptions to Abstention

Sarah Alsaden
November 3, 2022

This guide provides an overview of foreign law issues in the federal courts, including procedural strategies, and examines the approach of state courts and non-U.S. judiciaries. 

Kathleen Foley, Jason A. Cantone
October 11, 2022

This pocket guide describes approaches and practical factors for federal judges to consider when applying unsettled questions of state law.

Jason A. Cantone, Emery G. Lee
December 13, 2021

This report discusses findings related to surveyed attorneys in recently closed cases filed in or removed to federal court based on diversity of citizenship jurisdiction.

Paul Clement, Evan Lee, Hamid Khan
October 21, 2021

Jurisdiction. Experts discuss changes in specific personal jurisdiction jurisprudence to include the incorporation of relatedness, and what might come next.

James A. Chance, Suzanna Sherry, Evan Lee
October 21, 2021

Standing. Experts discuss the novel theory of standing by inseverability, limitations on Congress’ ability to confer standing through legislation, and the questions raised by allowing nominal damages to save some completed harms from mootness.

Sarah E. Kramer
May 6, 2021

This guide provides an overview of available methods for service of process on foreign defendants, focusing on the issues most likely to require judicial intervention.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Evan Lee, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
December 9, 2020

Separation of Powers. Experts discuss how subpoenas issued to third parties for the personal records of a sitting President impact the Separation of Powers doctrine, as well as the Court’s rejection of Executive claims of absolute immunity.

Evan Lee, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
December 7, 2020

Criminal Law, Native American Law. Experts discuss a criminal law jurisdictional ruling impacting nearly half of Oklahoma land and with implications across a broad array of laws and regulations. Also discussed is how Kansas v. Glover’s narrow holding prompts questions about future interpretations of reasonable suspicion traffic stops if applied to the many possible differing factual scenarios.


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