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D. Utah

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Greater than or equal to
Leonidas Ralph Mecham
January 16, 1991

Administrative Office Director Mecham describes the size, role, and composition of advisory groups and lists the pilot districts for CJRA implementation

John Thomas Greene Jr.
April 20, 1990

J. Thomas Greene relays to Judge Robert F. Peckham the American Bar Association's opposition to the Biden Bill as it is currently written.

John Thomas Greene Jr., Harold Barefoot Sanders Jr.
March 16, 1990

J. Thomas Greene encloses statements from Judge Barefoot Sanders (N.D. Tex.) on S. 2027 in this letter to Mark R. Disler.

Markus B. Zimmer

A handwritten note to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office

Markus B. Zimmer

A handwritten note to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office

This list identifies Early Implementation Districts by the principles and techniques they will use to reduce costs and time delays

List of designated Early Implementation Districts in accordance with the CJRA. Pilot and demonstration districts are noted.

A list of the names and titles of members of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Utah


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