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D. Del.

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Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
September 11, 2023

Germalic v. Bullock (Richard G. Andrews, D. Del. 1:12-cv-1347)

Henry N. Herndon Jr.
November 21, 1994

A memo from former CJRA Advisory Group chair Henry N. Herndon, Jr. informing Abel J.

October 1, 1994

Updated statistics for 44 districts with information for SY 1994

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Delaware, John R. McAllister Jr.
September 21, 1994

Clerk of the Court John R. McAllister, Jr. transmits the 9/14/1994 First Assessment Report of the Advisory Group of the District of Delaware to Philip R. Argetsinger of the Administrative Office.

Dennis J. Wysocki
July 23, 1992

Dennis J. Wysocki of the Administrative Office's Court Administration Division writes to Chief Judge Joseph J. Longobardi regarding the appointment of a CJRA attorney for the District of Delaware

Linda Casey
May 5, 1992

Linda Casey forwards an analysis of the features of district cost and delay reduction plans for 22 districts

Abel J. Mattos
April 27, 1992

Abel J. Mattos updates Mark D. Shapiro on the progress and recommendations of each Circuit Review Committee regarding Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan

February 27, 1992

A table highlighting the different features of the Early Implementation District plans

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Delaware
December 23, 1991

The Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan for the District of Delaware.

Joseph J. Longobardi, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Delaware
December 17, 1991

Chief Judge Joseph J. Longobardi transmits the 10-1-1991 Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group Report for the District of Delaware to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office.


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