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Manuals, Monographs & Guides

As part of its educational mission, the Center produces monographs on substantive legal subjects and a variety of manuals and guides for judges and court staff. Topics covered include discrete areas of law, courtroom and case-management procedures, the Federal Rules, and different types of litigation. These publications are authored by Center staff and outside subject-matter experts. See also Reports & Studies.

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Title Datesort ascending
Capital § 2254 Habeas Cases: A Pocket Guide for Judges

This pocket guide provides a basic overview of the issues judges can expect to face when assigned a capital habeas case. It begins with appointment of counsel, budgeting concerns, and stays of execution. It then summarizes the primary procedural considerations that affect habeas cases - successive petitions, petition timeliness, state remedies exhaustion, procedural default, and amending a petition.

January 1, 2012
The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: A Guide for Judges [Superseded]

The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is a treaty that governs proceedings for the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully taken or kept away from their "habitual residence." This guide provides an overview of the Hague Convention, focusing on the legal and procedural issues judges are likely to encounter during litigation under this treaty.

January 1, 2012
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

This guide addresses the questions that may arise when a party to litigation in a U.S. court seeks to enforce a foreign judgment or to use a foreign judgment for preclusive effect in local litigation. Part II details the historical background of the applicable state law in recognition cases, and discusses the relationship between recognition and enforcement.

January 1, 2012
International Commercial Arbitration: A Guide for U.S. Judges

Although U.S. federal courts across the country are seeing an ever-increasing number of cases associated with international commercial arbitration, few judges are familiar with this unique and complicated area of law. This guide offers judges a useful framework for analysis of matters relating to international commercial arbitration by providing a succinct and practical overview of the field as well as a specific, motion-by-motion discussion of the kinds of issues that commonly arise in U.S.

January 1, 2012
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Fifth Edition

An examination of the substantive and procedural provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This fifth edition discusses the many and varied developments in the law through June 2011. The field of employment discrimination law continues to expand to cover new forms of discrimination and additional employment practices. Both new judicial decisions and new legislation have addressed the issues in this field in increasing detail.

January 1, 2012
Patent Case Management Judicial Guide, Second Edition [Superseded]

This is a comprehensive, user-friendly, and practical judicial guide for managing patent cases.

January 1, 2012
Managing the Chapter 15 Cross-Border Insolvency Case: A Pocket Guide for Judges [Superseded]

Increasing globalization and cross-border interdependence of business enterprises increase the likelihood that bankruptcy judges will see the occasional chapter 15 case filed in their jurisdiction. In this concise guide, Judge Louise DeCarl Adler (Bankr. S.D. Cal.) gives judges who may be unfamiliar with chapter 15 cases a quick understanding of the case-management issues that may arise and offers possible solutions.

January 1, 2011
Compensatory Damages Issues in Patent Infringement Cases: A Pocket Guide for Federal District Court Judges [Superseded]

A guide for trial judges to consult when deciding issues of compensatory damages in patent infringement cases, prepared by a national committee of experts from the bench, bar, in-house counsel, and academia formed at the request of the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Superseded by Compensatory Damages Issues in Patent Infringement Cases, Second Edition (2017).

January 1, 2011
Managing Multidistrict Litigation in Products Liability Cases: A Pocket Guide for Transferee Judges

This guide is intended to help judges who receive multidistrict litigation (MDL) products liability assignments to manage MDL cases and to introduce some of the procedures that transferee judges have developed over the years.

January 1, 2011
Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition

The Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition assists judges in managing cases involving complex scientific and technical evidence by describing the basic tenets of key scientific fields from which legal evidence is typically derived and by providing examples of cases in which that evidence has been used.

January 1, 2011
