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W.D. Tex.

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Greater than or equal to
October 1, 1994

Updated statistics for 44 districts with information for SY 1994

Abel J. Mattos, Charles Vagner
February 10, 1993

A letter from Abel J. Mattos to Clerk of the Court Charles W. Vagner, requesting that he send the Administrative Office additional copies of the Western District of Texas Civil Justice Reform Plan and Report. Vagner complied with his request on 2-17-1993.

Charles Vagner, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Texas
December 16, 1992

Clerk of the Court Charles W. Vagner transmits the Western District of Texas Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan (adopted11/30/1992) to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office.

Lucius Desha Bunton III, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Texas
January 13, 1992

Chief Judge Lucius D. Bunton transmits the Advisory Group Report on civil justice reform for Western District of Texas (dated 12-31-1991) to several judges and the directors of the Administrative Office and the Federal Judicial Center.

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Texas
March 15, 1991

Meeting minutes and agenda from the first meeting of the Western District of Texas's Civil Justice Advisory Group

Charles Vagner
February 27, 1991

Clerk of the Court Charles W. Vagner transmits the roster of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Texas to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office.

Mark Ballard
June 18, 1990

An editorial in the Texas Lawyer regarding the proposed number of new judgeships in Texas. (Texas Lawyer)

Barbara Meierhoefer
January 1, 1990

A statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.

Barbara Meierhoefer
January 1, 1989

In 1990 the Federal Judicial Center published Court-Annexed Arbitration in Ten District Courts, a statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.

Barbara Meierhoefer, Carroll Seron
January 1, 1989

In 1990 the Federal Judicial Center published Court-Annexed Arbitration in Ten District Courts, a statutorily mandated evaluation of the pilot court-annexed mandatory arbitration programs in ten federal district courts.


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