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Elimination of a Constable Precinct

Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
September 5, 2023

Rodriguez v. Bexar County (H.F. Garcia and William Wayne Justice, W.D. Tex. 5:01 cv 1049)
A district judge issued a temporary injunction against the redistricting of precincts for justices of the peace and constables, eliminating one of the five precincts, without preclearance pursuant to section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. After the county obtained preclearance, the judge found Hispanic vote dilution in violation of section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, but the court of appeals reversed the nullification of an election to the new precincts.
Subject: District lines. Topics: Section 5 preclearance; section 2 discrimination; enjoining elections; three-judge court; case assignment.

One of many Case Studies in Emergency Election Litigation.