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Courtroom Technology

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Molly T. Johnson
February 22, 2013

At the request of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Center collected and reviewed local bankruptcy rules regarding signatures of non-registrants of CM/ECF (e.g., debtors) and requirements for retention of documents bearing original handwritten signatures of non-registra

Leonie M. Brinkema
March 1, 2006

Order, United States v. Moussaoui, No. 1:01-cr-455 (E.D. Va. Mar. 1, 2006), D.E. 1638.

Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System
January 1, 2006

In August 2005, the Federal Judicial Center, at the request of and with assistance from the Subcommittee on Automation of the Judicial Conference Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System, held a program at which bankruptcy judges discussed the use of distance participation technol

Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on Court Administration and Case Management
January 1, 2001

This manual provides trial judges a handbook on managing civil cases.

January 1, 2001
Note: Distribution of this publication (hard copy) is restricted per National Institute for Trial Advocacy; permission has been gran
Rya W. Zobel, David E. Rauma, William W Schwarzer, Marie Leary, Genevra Kay Loveland, Charles P. Sutelan
June 1, 1996

Articles in this issue of FJC Directions describe federal courts' experiences with pro se actions.

Barbara Meierhoefer
January 1, 1983

A discussion of the use of teleconferences to conduct certain proceedings in federal courts. The author presents reports of judges experienced with the procedure.

Larry C. Farmer, J. Michael Greenwood
January 1, 1979

A description of the implementation in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of word processing and an electronic-mail network using Courtran computer resources.

Michael W. Leavitt
January 1, 1978

A description of the calendaring and assignment computer software system that the Center designed at the request of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The report includes suggestions for possible applications of that software.

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