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Reports & Studies

Below is a list of a number of past published studies conducted by the Research Division. Some Center reports are not published or made publicly available due to restrictions in place from the source of the research request. Most research reports can be downloaded and in some instances, a hardcopy publication can be requested. See also Manuals, Monographs, & Guides.

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Titlesort descending Date
Analysis of Table Depicting Eligibility Requirements For, and Restrictions on, Practice Before the Federal District Courts

Presents the analysis of the table that depicts the current rule and any restrictions for all ninty-four district courts regarding eligibility to practice before the court.

November 1, 1995
Annotated Bibliography for Use of Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System

A detailed listing of books, articles, and other research dealing with the operation of the appellate courts in general and reform of practices and procedures in particular. The Center was designated the depository for the Commission's publications and has archival copies of the Commission's two reports, The Geographical Boundaries of the Several Judicial Circuits: Recommendations for Change (1973), and Structure and Internal Procedures: Recommendations for Change (1975), as well as transcripts of the hearings before the Commission in its first phase (one volume) and second phase (two volumes).

January 1, 1973
Appellate Court Case Weights Project

An attempt to develop estimates of relative workload in the courts of appeals without detailed timekeeping by judges. Judges estimated the relative workload associated with various appeal types, and their estimates were used to calculate case weights. The report concluded that the weighted caseloads produced by this method were not useful measures of appellate workload, but cautioned that the method could not be adequately assessed given the inconsistencies in the appellate court statistical reporting systems in place in the mid-1970s.

Please note: There is a typographical error in this document. The number VI was accidentally skipped when putting together the sequence of tables, but no text or table is missing from the report.

Also note: This report is reprinted in Part Two of Managing Appeals in Federal Courts (1988).

January 1, 1977
Appellate Review of Trial Court Discretion

A discussion of types of cases in which judicial discretionbased on facts and guided by lawis applied in trial courts. Presented at a Seminar for Federal Appellate Judges sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center, May 13-16, 1975

May 13, 1975
Appendix II to the Civil Justice Reform Act Report of the Judicial Conference of the United States, Report to Congress, December 1, 1994

Prepared by the Federal Judicial Center with assistance from Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.

For the main report see Civil Justice Reform Act Report: Development and Implementation of Plans by the United States District Courts (1995), which includes Appendix I, III, IV.

Appendix II was a prepublication version of The Civil Justice Reform Act Expense and Delay Reduction Plans: A Sourcebook (1995).

March 1, 1995
Asbestos Case Management: Pretrial and Trial Procedures

A description of case-management procedures various courts have used to facilitate prompt resolution in asbestos litigation. The report is based on a conference of federal judges, magistrate judges, and clerks. Among the methods described are use of standardized pretrial procedures to avoid duplication of effort, use of calendaring systems to establish firm and credible trial dates, and consolidation of cases for trial to conserve judicial time.

January 1, 1985
Assessing the Feasibility of Case Weighting as a Method of Determining Judicial Work Load


January 1, 1978
Assessing the Judicial Work Load Associated with Mega Chapter 11 Cases

This report revises and expands on the January 1996 report to the Bankruptcy Committee evaluating two approaches that refine assessing judicial workload for Mega Chapter 11 cases and recommendations to the committee for facilitating mega cases in the future.

June 10, 1996
Assessing the Judicial Workload Associated with Mega Chapter 11 Cases in the Southern District of New York

Report to the Bankruptcy Committee of the results of adjusting the weighted caseload for the Southern District of New York in accordance with the protocol adopted by the Bankruptcy Committee at the June 1996 meeting.

December 16, 1996
Assessment of Caseload Burden in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit – Report to the Subcommittee on Judicial Statistics of the Committee on Judicial Resources of the Judicial Conference of the United States

The mix of cases in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit differs markedly from the case mix of other U.S. courts of appeals. The implications of this difference for judicial workload and judgeship needs, however, have been unclear. At the request of the Subcommittee on Judicial Statistics of the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Resources, we conducted this study to assist the subcommittee in assessing judgeship needs in the D.C. Circuit.

January 1, 1999
