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Manuals, Monographs & Guides

As part of its educational mission, the Center produces monographs on substantive legal subjects and a variety of manuals and guides for judges and court staff. Topics covered include discrete areas of law, courtroom and case-management procedures, the Federal Rules, and different types of litigation. These publications are authored by Center staff and outside subject-matter experts. See also Reports & Studies.

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Title Datesort ascending
Copyright Law [Superseded]

A concise overview of the law of copyright from its origins in the English common law through recent Supreme Court cases, designed to provide judges with a grounding in the essential concepts and statutory and case law in this specialized area. The author covers the duration and renewal of copyright, ownership of copyright, and copyright formalities, as well as jurisdictional and procedural issues and the preemption of state law by federal copyright statutes.

January 1, 1991
A Primer on the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Courts of Appeals [Superseded]

A brief introduction to the statutory law, case law, and rules of court governing the U.S. courts of appeals. The author traces the appeals process and analyzes jurisdictional requirements for final and interlocutory appeals, criminal appeals, review by writ, and agency appeals. He provides an annotated bibliography. This publication is copyrighted by the author. Note: A "talking book" of this publication available from the Center's Information Services Office.

January 1, 1989
Handbook on Jury Use in the Federal District Courts

A manual that explains the basic concepts of administering federal juries. It describes statutory requirements, Judicial Conference policies, and various procedures used in the district courts. Although the handbook is intended primarily for jury staff, district judges who are assigned to serve as jury judges may find it informative.

January 1, 1989
Patent Law and Practice [Superseded]

A monograph that provides an overview of this specialized area of the law. The author describes the steps followed in a patent application and discusses defenses to and remedies for patent infringement, providing examples from case law. He includes an annotated bibliography.

January 1, 1988
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Second Edition [Superseded]

An examination of the substantive and procedural provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The report covers such issues as claims of disparate treatment and disparate impact, preferential treatment, and discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, and religion. Other federal remedies for employment discrimination are discussed primarily as they pertain to Title VII. A bibliography of relevant books, articles, and student comments and notes is included.

January 1, 1987
Major Issues in Immigration Law [Superseded]

An introduction to U.S. immigration law as of 1987 that sets out the historical background and describes major features of the relevant substantive and procedural law, with emphasis on areas of particular controversy. The final chapter discusses the major provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. An annotated bibliography is included. This publication is copyrighted by the author.

January 1, 1987
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 2 [Superseded]


January 1, 1985
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 1 [Superseded]


January 1, 1985
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination [Superseded]

Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 1 (1985).

Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 2 (1985).

January 1, 1983
The "Rule of Reason" in Antitrust Analysis: General Issues

A 1981 essay that explained the difference between "per se unlawful " and "rule of reason " restraints in antitrust litigation.

January 1, 1981
