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Scientific Evidence

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Greater than or equal to
David H. Kaye, George F. Sensabaugh
January 1, 2000
Bernard D. Goldstein, Mary Sue Henifin
January 1, 2000

The Reference Guide on Toxicology is published as a chapter in the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition (pp 401-437).

Fern M. Smith, Stephen G. Breyer, Margaret A. Berger, William W Schwarzer, Joe S. Cecil, David Goodstein, David H. Kaye, David A. Freedman, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Shari Seidman Diamond, Victoria A. Lazear, Michael D. Green, D. Michal Freedman, Leon Gordis, Bernard D. Goldstein, Mary Sue Henifin, Howard M. Kipen, Susan R. Poulter, George F. Sensabaugh, Henry Petroski
January 1, 2000

A reference to assist judges in managing expert evidence in cases involving issues of science or technology.

Other editions:

Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition (2011)

Joe S. Cecil, Marie Leary, William W Schwarzer, D. Dean P. Miletich
January 1, 1994

Explains origin of project and acknowledges contributions of individuals and organizations.

William W Schwarzer
January 1, 1994

Offers an overview of manual and explanation of its purpose.

William W Schwarzer
January 1, 1994

Offers suggestions for effective management of expert testimony involving scientific issues.

Margaret A. Berger
January 1, 1994

Offers an analytical framework for judges considering disputes over qualifications of experts and admissibility of scientific evidence.

January 1, 1994

Offers suggestions for effective use of the reference guides to specific areas of scientific evidence.


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