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Managing Teams

Displaying 31 - 36 of 36, sorted by most recent
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Joseph Nye
April 1, 2020

An interview with Harvard professor Joseph Nye, author of the widely-acclaimed book The Powers to Lead.  Drawing on his broad public service and academic experiences, Nye suggests that leadership is more widely dispersed throughout society and organizations than we often think.

Brian Brandt
February 5, 2020

Episode 11: An interview with Brian Brandt co-author with Ashley Kutach of Blind Spots: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You, and CEO of Core Insights, a Texas-based company that provides training, strategic guidance and coaching.

Christine Porath, Lori A. Murphy, Michael E. Siegel
January 23, 2019

Episode 5: An interview with Christine Porath, author of

Daniel Pink, Michael Eric Siegel, Lori A. Murphy
December 6, 2018

Episode 4: An interview with Daniel Pink, bestselling author, contributing editor at Fast Company and Wired, and business columnist for The Sunday Telegraph.

Court Administration Division, Steve Buckholz, Thomas Roth
January 28, 1992

A summary of a book on team building

Philip L. Dubois
January 1, 1981

An early comparative analysis of management styles in the fifteen metropolitan district courts. The report is based on personal interviews with chief judges, clerks of court, and other judges and circuit personnel.


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