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January 1, 2009

For convenience the Guide's exhibits are assembled here as a single downloadable file. To access the exhibits individually, or to download or order a hard copy of the Guide itself, follow the source link below.

Laura B. Bartell
January 1, 2009

(update of the 2007 version to incorporate the December 2007 bankruptcy rules amendments)

December 10, 2008

Developed by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts with the Federal Judicial Center, this video provides an overview of the different types of bankruptcy and related filing procedures.

January 1, 2008

Developed by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts with the Federal Judicial Center, this video provides an overview of the different types of bankruptcy and related filing procedures.

Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System
January 1, 2006

In August 2005, the Federal Judicial Center, at the request of and with assistance from the Subcommittee on Automation of the Judicial Conference Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System, held a program at which bankruptcy judges discussed the use of distance participation technol

Alan Hirsch, Diane Sheehey
April 25, 2005

This monograph explains the doctrinal and case-management aspects of fee awards.

S. Elizabeth Gibson
January 1, 2005

Designed as resource for judges to guide them through the complexities of managing mass tort bankruptcy reorganizations, this publication draws lessons from difficult-to-find sources and presents them in a form that is part judicial manual, part treatise, and part case study.

Robert J. Niemic, Shannon R. Wheatman
March 22, 2004

Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires each party to disclose to the other, at specified time intervals, a variety of information about their case.

Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System
January 1, 2004

The purpose of the conference, held in Washington, D.C.

Elizabeth C. Wiggins, Judith A. McKenna
January 1, 2002

Under the current bankruptcy appellate system, appeals from dispositive orders of bankruptcy judges are taken to the district court or to the bankruptcy appellate panel, if one has been established and the district has chosen to participate, with further appeal as of right to the court of appeals


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