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Reports & Studies

Below is a list of a number of past published studies conducted by the Research Division. Some Center reports are not published or made publicly available due to restrictions in place from the source of the research request. Most research reports can be downloaded and in some instances, a hardcopy publication can be requested. See also Manuals, Monographs, & Guides.

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The Impact of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005: Third Interim Report to the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules

The Federal Judicial Center has undertaken a long-term study of the impact of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA) on the resources of the federal courts. The third interim report was delivered to the committee on April 16, 2007 for discussion at its April 19 meeting and reports on the results of statistical tests of the impact of CAFA on federal courts across the country.

April 16, 2007
The Impact of the Federal Drug Aftercare Program

The findings of a study of supervision outcomes for a sample of 1,000 offenders who entered the aftercare program for drug-dependent federal offenders from July 1, 1982, to June 30, 1983. The report includes sixty-three tables of data from the study.

January 1, 1986
The Impact of Word Processing and Electronic Mail on United States Courts of Appeals

A description of the implementation in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of word processing and an electronic-mail network using Courtran computer resources. The report concludes that these technologies substantially reduce appellate processing time, improve secretarial and judicial productivity, and expedite delivery of correspondence to chambers and offices.

See also Follow-Up Study of Word Processing and Electronic Mail in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (1980).

January 1, 1979
The Joint Trial Calendars in the Western District of Missouri

An examination of the calendaring system used by the Western District of Missouri to clear its criminal and civil dockets at regularly scheduled intervals. The report, based on interviews with the district's judges, court personnel, and attorneys, discusses the system's impact and offers guidelines for courts considering its adoption. Copies of the court's orders and forms are included.

January 1, 1985
The Judicial Conference and Its Committee on Court Administration

A brief history of the administrative structure of the federal courts and the origins of the Judicial Conference of the United States. The author also describes the committee structure of the Judicial Conference, emphasizing the Court Administration Committee.

January 1, 1986
The Potential for Video Technology in the Courts

Describes several uses for video technology in the judicial system. Discusses proscriptions against certain types of uses in federal courts, as well as those uses acceptable in the federal system. Analyzes factors that will affect the potential of video technology for improving court administration and notes special considerations that should precede widespread use.

January 1, 1972
The Pre-Argument Conference Program in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

A study conducted at the court's request to determine if its program met its goals of saving judges' time, lessening case-management burdens, and simplifying issues on appeal. Using a control group method, the study determined that the program was a success--it met its goals and received strong support from the bar.

January 1, 1990
The Quality of Advocacy in the Federal Courts: A Report to the Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States to Consider Standards for Admission to Practice in the Federal Courts

A report on judges' evaluations of lawyers' performance in federal district courts and courts of appeals, undertaken in response to Chief Justice Burger's criticism of federal court advocacy. Based on surveys of trial and appellate judges and attorneys, as well as on ratings of videotaped trial performance, the study analyzes relationships between performance and lawyer characteristics (role in case, size of law office, and lawyer's age, experience, and education) and identifies areas of deficiency in trial and appellate skills.

January 1, 1978
The Role of Staff Attorneys and Face-to-Face Conferencing in Non-Argument Decisionmaking: A View from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals

Using materials obtained through interviews with the court of appeals' judges and staff attorneys, as well as visiting judges, the authors discuss the procedure used by the court for selecting and deciding cases suitable for disposition without argument. They concluded that staff attorneys' attendance at the decision-making conference and face-to-face discussion among the judges provided substantial benefits for the judges, the staff attorneys, and the efficiency and quality of the nonargument decision-making process.

January 1, 1989
The Roles of Magistrates in Federal District Courts

A description of the scope of responsibilities of full-time magistrate judges in eighty-two district courts. The report also describes the processes by which magistrate judges are assigned those responsibilities and the frequency with which they are assigned various tasks.

January 1, 1983
