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Manuals, Monographs & Guides

As part of its educational mission, the Center produces monographs on substantive legal subjects and a variety of manuals and guides for judges and court staff. Topics covered include discrete areas of law, courtroom and case-management procedures, the Federal Rules, and different types of litigation. These publications are authored by Center staff and outside subject-matter experts. See also Reports & Studies.

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Title Datesort ascending
Managing Discovery of Electronic Information: A Pocket Guide for Judges [Superseded]

This pocket guide helps federal judges manage the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI). It covers issues unique to the discovery of ESI, including its scope, the allocation of costs, the form of production, the waiver of privilege and work product protection, and the preservation of data and spoliation.

January 1, 2007
Руководство для судебного клерка | Law Clerk Handbook

This handbook provides an overview of chambers operations and the work of the federal courts.

For the original English language publication, see Law Clerk Handbook: A Handbook for Law Clerks to Federal Judges, Second Edition (2007).

January 1, 2007
Law Clerk Handbook: A Handbook for Law Clerks to Federal Judges, Second Edition [Superseded]

This handbook provides an overview of chambers operations and the work of the federal courts.

Superseded by Law Clerk Handbook: A Handbook for Law Clerks to Federal Judges, Third Edition (2017).

January 1, 2007
The Use of Visiting Judges in the Federal District Courts: A Guide for Judges and Court Personnel [Superseded]

In 1999, at the direction of the Judicial Officers Resources Working Group appointed by the Chief Justice, the Center conducted studies of the use of visiting judges in the district courts. Interviews showed that many borrowing courts have created successful visiting judge procedures that minimize administrative burdens and maximize benefits to the court and to the visitors.

October 18, 2006
Copyright Law, Second Edition [Superseded]

This monograph provides a concise overview of the law of copyright from its origins in the English common law through recent Supreme Court cases, designed to provide judges with a grounding in the essential concepts and statutory and case law in this specialized area. The monograph covers the duration and renewal of copyright, ownership of copyright, copyright formalities, as well as jurisdictional and procedural issues and the preemption of state law by federal copyright statutes.

January 1, 2006
The Bail Reform Act of 1984, Third Edition [SUPERSEDED]

The Bail Reform Act of 1984, Third Edition provides a summary of appellate court decisions interpreting provisions of The Bail Reform Act of 1984 on issues of release and detention. The Third Edition primarily addresses areas that have been changed by statute or case law since the second edition, and cites more recent cases that discuss the substantive issues through June 1, 2006.

January 1, 2006
The Elements of Case Management: A Pocket Guide for Judges, Second Edition [Superseded]

A primer for judges on techniques and methods of case management.

Superseded by The Elements of Case Management, Third Edition (2017).

January 1, 2006
Mediation & Conference Programs in the Federal Courts of Appeals: A Sourcebook for Judges and Lawyers, Second Edition

This sourcebook is a reference guide on mediation and settlement conference programs in the thirteen federal courts of appeals. The Federal Judicial Center published the first edition of this sourcebook in 1997. The changing structure of these programs, and expressed interest from the courts of appeals, made this update necessary.

January 1, 2006
Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Managing Fee Litigation, Second Edition [Superseded]

This monograph explains the doctrinal and case-management aspects of fee awards. It analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its offspring, and the substantial benefit doctrine, and addresses an issue of special significance to bankruptcy courts―the propriety of sua sponte review of fee petitions. It also presents a selection of case-management strategies, based on interviews with judges, attorneys, U.S. trustees, and others.

April 25, 2005
Creating the Federal Judicial System, Third Edition

This booklet explains the provisions of the 1789 Judiciary Act and the compromises it embodies, reviews the evolution of the federal judicial system during the nineteenth century, and analyzes the conditions and debates that led to the passage of the Evarts Act in 1891, which established the three-tiered system that characterizes federal court structure today, and briefly reviews 20th century developments that help account for today's federal judicial system.

January 1, 2005
