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Manuals, Monographs & Guides

As part of its educational mission, the Center produces monographs on substantive legal subjects and a variety of manuals and guides for judges and court staff. Topics covered include discrete areas of law, courtroom and case-management procedures, the Federal Rules, and different types of litigation. These publications are authored by Center staff and outside subject-matter experts. See also Reports & Studies.

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Benchbook for U.S. District Court Judges, Fourth Edition (revised March 2000) [Superseded]

An ongoing compilation of information that federal district judges have found useful for immediate bench or chambers reference. The Benchbook contains sections on such topics as assignment of counsel, taking guilty pleas, model sentencing forms, standard voir dire questions, and oaths. It is prepared under the guidance of experienced district judges and is produced in loose-leaf format for easy supplementation.

January 1, 2000
Bellwether Trials in MDL Proceedings: A Guide for Transferee Judges

This pocket guide was created to provide transferee judges handling multidistrict litigation (MDL) with an overview of the bellwether trial process. Bellwether trials are one of many case-management tools available to MDL transferee judges. Although bellwether trials are not appropriate for every MDL proceeding, this guide outlines practical considerations for establishing and implementing bellwether protocols in proceedings where a court chooses to utilize them.

May 15, 2019
Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Managing Fee Litigation, Third Edition

Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Managing Fee Litigation (Third Edition) analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its progeny, and the substantial benefit doctrine.

August 31, 2015
Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Managing Fee Litigation, Second Edition [Superseded]

This monograph explains the doctrinal and case-management aspects of fee awards. It analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its offspring, and the substantial benefit doctrine, and addresses an issue of special significance to bankruptcy courts―the propriety of sua sponte review of fee petitions. It also presents a selection of case-management strategies, based on interviews with judges, attorneys, U.S. trustees, and others.

April 25, 2005
Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Managing Fee Litigation [Superseded]

A monograph about the doctrinal and case-management aspects of fee awards. It analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its offspring, and the substantial benefit doctrine, and addresses an issue of special significance to bankruptcy courts--the propriety of sua sponte review of fee petitions. It also presents a selection of case-management strategies, based on interviews with judges, attorneys, U.S.trustees, and others.

January 1, 1994
As a Matter of Fact . . . An Introduction to Federal Probation

The purpose of this handbook is to answer common questions likely to be in the minds of newly appointed probation officers. It is intended also to give the new officers a common base of information prior to their attending one of the formal orientation schools conducted by the Federal Judicial Center.

January 1, 1973
Approaches to Federal Judicial History

This volume presents recent scholarship on the history of the federal court system.  The main themes include the practices and importance of the lower federal courts, the relationship between district and circuit courts and the Supreme Court, and the broader role of the federal court system in American economy and society.

January 23, 2020
Antitrust Law: Section 1 of the Sherman Act

This monograph provides an overview of one of the principal sections of antitrust law, § 1 of the Sherman Act, and describes the statutory framework as well as analyzes the case law.

December 14, 2021
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Federal Judges

This guide addresses questions related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the judicial process by providing some technical back­ground and highlighting potential legal issues. In discussing how AI is used today and may be used in the future, the guide does not endorse that use in any particular context or application.

February 13, 2023
ADR and Settlement in the Federal District Courts: A Sourcebook for Judges and Lawyers

Based on a survey of the federal district courts and an analysis of their rules, this sourcebook describes in detail how each court's ADR and settlement procedures functioned at the time of the survey.

January 1, 1996
