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Judiciary Research

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David J. Maland
September 8, 1994

A statistical overview of Caseloads & Case Weights provided to Donna Stienstra of the Federal Judicial Center and Philip R. Argetsinger of the Administrative Office as part of the Periodic Assessment conducted by the Eastern District of Tennessee. Transmitted by Clerk of the Court David J.

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Colorado, Thomas C. Seawell
September 1, 1994

A survey of lawyers in the District of Colorado regarding changes to Federal and Local Rules

John E. Shapard, Joseph F. Anderson Jr., Jack Barnes, Julianne Farnsworth, Wiliam L. Howard, Eve Moredock Stacey, James F. Henry, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of South Carolina
August 12, 1993

Exhibits included with the District of South Carolina's Advisory Group report including case load data prepared by the Administrative Office and the Federal Judicial Center and an article entitled "How Case Load Statistics Deceive" by John Shapard of the Federal Judicial Center.

Michael E. Kunz, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
August 5, 1993

Clerk of the Court Michael E. Kunz transmits statistics compiled-for the Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group Report for cases filed during Calendar Year 1992 Eastern District of Pennsylvania to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Virginia
July 30, 1993

Appendices include a map of the district, statistical information, survey results, and more.

Craig Miller-Barnett
April 30, 1993

Craig Miller-Barnett transmits the results of a survey on Civil Justice reform conducted in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to Professor A. Leo Levin

Ronald J. Hedges
April 12, 1993

Magistrate Judge Ronald J. Hedges transmits statistics for Track I and II terminations for the period April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1993.

George Beall, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of Maryland
February 16, 1993

A draft of the District of Maryland's Civil Justice Advisory Group Report, transmitted by the Advisory Group chairman, attorney George Beall.

Eastern District of Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Committee, Michael E. Kunz
January 7, 1993

Clerk of the Court Michael E. Kunz transmits a copy of the manual from the Basic Civil Practice seminar sponsored by the-Eastern District Continuing Legal Education Committee and held in Philadelphia on November 12, 1992 to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office.

Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Northern District of Oklahoma
December 11, 1992

Supplements to the report include statistical results to questionnaires distributed to attorneys and litigants


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