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Manuals, Monographs & Guides
Displaying 21 - 30 of 168
Title | Date |
Manual for Litigation Management and Cost and Delay Reduction [Superseded] Prepared in response to a mandate of the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, the manual offers judges an arsenal of management techniques for every phase of civil litigation. It includes forty-three sample forms experienced judges have found useful in their courts as well as an overview of case-management theory and practice. Cite as: Litigation Management Manual (Federal Judicial Center 1992). |
January 1, 1992 |
Business Bankruptcy A general overview of the policies and practices of the business bankruptcy system. It covers both Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 11 reorganization. |
January 1, 1993 |
The Bail Reform Act of 1984, Second Edition [Superseded] A summary of appellate court decisions (with the exception of standards of review) interpreting provisions of the Bail Reform Act from October 12, 1984, the act's effective date, to April 15, 1993. Superseded by The Bail Reform Act of 1984, Third Edition (2006). |
January 1, 1993 |
Federal Securities Law [Superseded] An introduction to the intricacies of federal securities law. The author focuses on the issues that federal judges are most likely to encounter in litigation: basic registration, disclosure, and antifraud provisions. Superseded by Federal Securities Law, Second Edition (2003). |
January 1, 1993 |
Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Managing Fee Litigation [Superseded] A monograph about the doctrinal and case-management aspects of fee awards. It analyzes the law of attorneys' fee awards under fee-shifting statutes, the common fund doctrine and its offspring, and the substantial benefit doctrine, and addresses an issue of special significance to bankruptcy courts--the propriety of sua sponte review of fee petitions. It also presents a selection of case-management strategies, based on interviews with judges, attorneys, U.S.trustees, and others. |
January 1, 1994 |
Chambers Handbook for Judges' Law Clerks and Secretaries [Superseded] A handbook that provides an overview of chambers operations and the work of the federal courts. It deals with the following tasks and areas of concern for judges' law clerks and secretaries: conduct, ethics, and protocol; basic analysis of litigation; court governance and administration; chambers and case management; relations with other court and justice system personnel; and legal research and writing. |
January 1, 1994 |
Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, First Edition [Superseded] A reference to assist judges in managing expert evidence in cases involving issues of science or technology. Other editions: Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition (2011) Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition (2000) |
January 1, 1994 |
Manual for Complex Litigation, Third Edition [Superseded] The successor to the Manual for Complex Litigation, Second, this work describes procedures that trial judges have found to be successful in managing complex cases. It also analyzes practices that have caused difficulties. It includes a number of forms that have been used by U.S. district judges. Superseded by Manual for Complex Litigation, Fourth (2004). |
January 1, 1995 |
Patent Law and Practice, Second Edition [Superseded] An overview of U.S. patent law and practice. The author describes the patent application process and discusses defenses to and remedies for patent infringement, providing examples from case law. He also examines the impact of juries on patent litigation and considers ways in which a court can manage patent jury trials. The monograph includes an annotated bibliography. |
January 1, 1995 |
ADR and Settlement in the Federal District Courts: A Sourcebook for Judges and Lawyers Based on a survey of the federal district courts and an analysis of their rules, this sourcebook describes in detail how each court's ADR and settlement procedures functioned at the time of the survey. |
January 1, 1996 |