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Manuals, Monographs & Guides
Displaying 1 - 10 of 168
Title |
Date![]() |
As a Matter of Fact . . . An Introduction to Federal Probation The purpose of this handbook is to answer common questions likely to be in the minds of newly appointed probation officers. It is intended also to give the new officers a common base of information prior to their attending one of the formal orientation schools conducted by the Federal Judicial Center. |
January 1, 1973 |
Orientation Manual for Secretaries to Federal Trial Court Judges The purpose of this manual is to assist secretaries to United States Judges in the performance of their duties by suggesting methods by which the duties generally assigned to them can most efficiently be performed. Although the manual is intended primarily to assist the newly appointed secretary, it is hoped that it will also be an aid to the more experienced secretary. |
January 1, 1974 |
Courtran Management Information System: Judge/Attorney File User's Manual - |
January 1, 1976 |
Courtran Management Information System: Terminal/Telecommunications User's Manual This manual describes procedures for court employees to call, log in and log out of the Federal Judicial Center computers to access COURTRAN. Instructions for use of COURTRAN are contained in separate manuals. |
January 1, 1976 |
Manual on Employment Discrimination and Civil Rights Actions in the Federal Courts A reference work designed to provide judges with general resource material to aid them in their preparation for and trial of employment discrimination cases. The manual includes separate analyses of each of the various statutes relied upon in such actions. It also includes selected jury instructions used by federal judges in such actions. The material used in this manual was originally prepared for workshops for federal district court judges. |
January 1, 1978 |
Prosecutorial Discretion and Federal Sentencing Reform A discussion of specific ways in which prosecutorial influence over sentences might be affected by sentencing guideline systems debated in Congress. The first volume contains the body of the report, with analyses and conclusions; the second is a technical supplement. |
January 1, 1979 |
Legislative History of Title I of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974 A research aid for those engaged in interpreting the Speedy Trial Act. Excerpts from congressional hearing records and committee reports are reproduced verbatim and arranged according to the sections of the statute to which they pertain. Materials related to both the original enactment and the 1979 amendments are included. The book contains the full text of title I as it appeared in successive versions of the bill and an introductory essay about the genesis and the development of the act. |
January 1, 1980 |
Manual for Complex Litigation (Fifth Revision) (draft) [Superseded] - |
January 1, 1980 |
The "Rule of Reason" in Antitrust Analysis: General Issues A 1981 essay that explained the difference between "per se unlawful " and "rule of reason " restraints in antitrust litigation. |
January 1, 1981 |
Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination [Superseded] Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 1 (1985). Major Issues in the Federal Law of Employment Discrimination, Supplement 2 (1985). |
January 1, 1983 |