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In Session: Leading the Judiciary – Episode 9: Finding Common Ground

In Session Podcast

In Session: Leading the Judiciary is an audio podcast designed to bring cutting-edge thinking about public- and private-sector leadership to the attention of judiciary executives. Each episode includes a conversation with one or more thought leaders whose research and expertise are relevant to the work of executives in the federal courts.




Lori A. Murphy, Michael E. Siegel, Wendy Sherman
October 2, 2019

Episode 9: An interview with Ambassador Wendy Sherman, author of Not for the Faint of Heart: Lessons in Courage, Power, and Persistence, and known as the lead negotiator for the United States State Department on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Ambassador Sherman served as a special adviser on North Korea to President Bill Clinton, and became the first female undersecretary of state for political affairs in 2011. In this episode, Ambassador Sherman shares what it takes for leaders to find common ground even amid deep and long-standing differences, and why courage, power, and persistence are among the necessary ingredients for leaders to negotiate lasting solutions to thorny issues